Rules of the game?
Solihull and Warwickshire Domino League play 'Fives & Threes' using a pack of standard domino tiles (28) and a 121 hole peg board. A single game can take between 25-45 minutes to play depending upon the ability of the two players.
League matches are played over 9 matches (6 singles and 3 doubles) with the winning team getting three points and losing team will get one point providing they keep the scoreline to a 5-4 loss. All other losses will not score any points.
Teams need a minimum of 6 players in order to compete in League and Cup Matches using a suitable venue, such as a local pub, sports club or general social club.
League Rules (2024-2025)
Official League Name:
This combination of clubs shall be called the Solihull and Warwickshire District Domino League and shall consist of no more than TEN (10) registered teams. New teams can apply join between May to September and will require the support of at least half of the current playing teams.
The Annual General Meeting (AGM):
The AGM shall be held by 31st May each year when annual reports and balance sheets, duly audited, shall be read;
The team representatives (delegates) attending the AGM shall appoint officials for the ensuing year;
Further delegate meetings shall be subject to notification by the Hon. Secretary.
League Fees:
The annual subscription shall be £100.00 for each team entering the league;
Entrance fees for Singles, Doubles and Captain & Secretary Knockouts shall be free of charge for each registered player entered.
Team Structure:
Each Team must have a minimum of 6 players for League Matches and Cup Matches;
Players may only play in a maximum of one (1) singles game and one (1) doubles game per match fixture;
For any game in which a team is unable to provide enough players, the opposing team may claim the points for that game.
Player Transfers:
If a member of one team wishes to transfer to another team during the season, a fee of £5.00 must accompany a written request for a transfer to the Hon. Secretary notifying them of the team he or she wishes to join.
Postponed Matches:
If a match has to be postponed for any reason, the Hon. Secretary is to be notified within 24 hrs by the HOME team.
Re-arranged matches must be played within 28 days of the date of the original match unless otherwise agreed by the Hon. Secretary.
Match Format:
League Matches – Each team shall play Six (6) Singles and Three (3) Doubles, in that order;
Cup Matches – Each team will play Four (4) Singles and Three (3) Doubles, in that order;
Play-Offs – In the event of a tie on both points and the difference between games won/lost at the end of the league season a play-off consisting of Six (6) Singles and Three (3) Doubles, in that order, will take place to determine the League Champions.
Cup and Plate Fixtures:
Cup and Plate match fixtures will be drawn at the first meeting of the season and the first meeting of the new year, as directed by the Hon. Secretary;
Cup matches are to be played on a day/date listed in the fixture list;
Plate matches will played on the same night as the cup matches, after round 1;
Match Play:
All league matches to be played on Thursdays;
Four (4) players from each team to be at match venue by 8pm;
Three (2) games must be in play by 8.45pm, any team unable to continue will forfeit any unplayed games;
Match results should be recorded on the official Scoresheet and signed by both teams’ match captains before the HOME captain posts the result on the captain’s whatsapp chatroom;
Match Play in Doubles:
All cards must be face-down and only the nominated player to start the game may pick his/her hand up. After his/her card is played the remaining three players can look at their dominoes. This practice continues around the table until the game is won.
Each game must be played on a 121 hole board, with five (5) pegs to be used only;
The home team must supply a Pegger for each game. In the event that a pegger is not available then the game can start with each player pegging for their opponent. Players are reminded to check that the other player has pegged their score correctly.
Pegger's Duties:
It is the Pegger’s duty to apply the following rules:
If a wrong domino is played that will not go on either end it must be discarded face-up in the pack and the offending player must play a domino if they can and can't be out as the domino is still active even tho It is face up.
If a domino is played at the wrong end of the line but does match the number at the other end then it can be moved to the other end and any points scored are pegged on the board and the game continues.
When a player knocks they must show the Pegger, if requested by the opponent or pegger, their tiles to show they cannot go before the game is to continue;
To peg the correct score regardless of what a player calls;
Not allow interference from spectators (To be controlled by both captains);
The down:
League Games – Home team will have the down;
Cup Games – Draw for the down. Odd/even method to decide.
No score for lowest card;
A player cannot get out on their down;
In Single and Doubles – If a player goes down or plays out of turn, they must leave the domino face-up and await their turn.
Finals Night:
All teams in Singles, Doubles and Captain and Secretary knockouts to start by 7.15pm roll call;
Draw to take place at 7.30pm;
All games to commence at 7.45pm on Finals Night.
All internal problems of teams to be solved by their own members and not left to the committee.
Cash prizes paid to all winning teams in all competitions, amounts to be decided by the Treasurer.
Engraving of Trophies:
The league committee will arrange the engraving of all trophies as part of the annual subscription fee.
Any captain who incorrectly fills in the Scorecard will be fined £5.00;
Any captain playing an ineligible player will be fined £5.00;
Any team not sending a representative to a delegate meeting will be fined £5.00;
Any club failing to post their Scoresheet on whatsapp within 24 hours of the completion of the match will receive a warning for a 2nd offence the fine will be £2.50 and for the 3rd instance and any subsequent instances the fine will be £5.00 each.
Protest or objection must be received by the Hon. Secretary within forty-eight (48) hours of the completion of the match.